Consider your mental health needs and what you want to achieve in therapy.
Ask yourself…
What am I currently struggling with the most in everyday life?
I have been struggling with ________________________________________________
since _________________________________________________________________
How has this impacted my life?
What am I not able to do or have because of what I’m struggling with?
Remember that therapy is about you, and thus it requires your work to look inward. Take your time. Do the work and you’ll thank yourself for it.
Ask yourself…
What is important for me in the therapist/person that I choose to work with?
There are 2 terms you need to know before you choose a therapist:
Neurogenesis: the process that describes that neurons are formed long into high age.
Neuroplasticity: the ability of the brain to change and form new connections.
These are 2 fundamental truths for every human being.
Ask yourself…
I would like to stop struggling with ____________________________________________
because __________________________________________
What has kept me from changing something about this struggle?
Lastly, you can ask yourself: What do I want to achieve in therapy?
Finding a good therapist can seem daunting. But with proper guidance, you’ll eventually land the right one for you. Remember, embarking on the journey to find a therapist takes courage and self-compassion. This checklist is designed to help you on that journey. To make the best out of it, you can print out this document and hand-write your answers. It will have a much better and lasting effect on your brain than when answered on-screen (as proven by science).
Take it step by step. Have faith and embrace the transformative power of therapy. You deserve it!
Question Recap:
What am I currently with struggling the most in everyday life?
Since when have I been struggling with…………………. (keep this as line or points, so people can fill it in themselves)? (here, the answer lines can be 2-3 max since the response will be shorter)
How has this impacted my life?
What am I not able to do or have because of struggling with…………………..(keep this as line or points, so people can fill it in themselves)?
Why would I like to stop struggling with……………………(keep this as line or points, so people can fill it in themselves)?
What has kept me from changing something about this struggle?
What is important for me in the therapist/person that I choose to work with?