How many times have you heard these words? Or, even said them yourself:
‘I can’t come because I’m busy.’
‘I can’t do xyz because I’m busy.’
While it may seem cool at first to flaunt one’s busyness, there are no long-term benefits to it.
Firstly, if you keep using this over time, your credibility will decrease. A famous study has shown that when a person who stands in queue suddenly wants to skip the line and come first, they get a pass when they give a reason. Those who don’t give a reason were almost never let to the front.
Secondly, let’s say you were invited to an event, but you couldn’t go because you had something important to do. It’s not that you couldn’t go, rather it’s that you’re actively prioritizing something else.
So, why do we keep ourselves so ‘busy’ all the time? Why do we seem to enjoy being busy? Or, at least, why don’t we change something about it to buy back some of our time?
At the core, talking with thousands of people all over the world, I’ve observed that it boils down to one thing: not feeling good enough.
Many people suffer from not feeling good enough at some point in their life. Not having done enough yet. Not earning ‘the money’ yet. Not being good enough for your partner. Not having enough knowledge for your audience.
While often hidden and denied, the feeling of not being enough is a major root cause of the ‘busy bee syndrome’.
Getting fully clear on what you’re not feeling good enough about can lead to a major change in how and how much you work.
It releases stress and sets you free of any perceived expectations. Who are you trying to please? Who are you trying to make happy? Why are you trying to please them?
Oftentimes, a lot of relief comes from realizing that we will never be able to please certain people in our lives who we may have been trying to please.
For example, I will never forget how I met a friend’s dad who was a wonderful human being. But, the first five minutes of our interaction was all about him telling me about his 11 (!) degrees! I’ve never seen such an obvious display of insecurity. Of course, my friend has accumulated all kinds of insecurities over the years. In a marathon of trying to please his father with his own accomplishments, he kept finding himself over and over again in situations that just left him empty and exhausted, selling himself and his services far below his value.
So, to get out of all the busyness, ask yourself these 3 questions:
I have trained and coached hundreds of people on personal development all over the globe – from Jamaica, the USA, to hosting workshops while being on a ship on the Atlantic ocean, all the way to Uganda, Austria, Ghana, the UAE, Pakistan, Singapore, and many more.
I am a go-getter, dream achiever, a true role model for behavior change, and I'm here to help you become the same.
I have trained and coached hundreds of people on personal development all over the globe – from Jamaica, the USA, to hosting workshops while being on a ship on the Atlantic ocean, all the way to Uganda, Austria, Ghana, the UAE, Pakistan, Singapore, and many more.
I am a go-getter, dream achiever, a true role model for behavior change, and I'm here to help you become the same.
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